Ron Bayer
(Active Conductor)
Ron Bayer has been the artistic director of the Rainier Chorale since the 1996-1997 concert season. Ron recently retired from Green River College where he served as Chairman of the Fine Arts Department. Ron was inducted into the Washington Music Education Association Hall of Fame in 2004. He began his teaching career at the high school level in Wisconsin and Minnesota, where he gained recognition as a strong, traditional choral director and also a leader in the then-emerging vocal jazz scene. After completing a nine-year stint in the upper Midwest, he came to the Pacific Northwest following the lure of the mountains, teaching briefly at Mount Vernon High School before coming to Green River. Ron received a bachelor's degree in music education (in both vocal and instrumental music) at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, and a master's degree in choral music and conducting at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he studied with Harold Decker. Further graduate studies in jazz education were pursued at Western Michigan University where he studied piano with and assisted Steve Zegree. An avid mountaineer in his off time, Ron is currently in demand as an adjudicator, clinician, pianist, and arranger.
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